Thursday, January 14, 2010

concerning it's a madhouse out there

A note on the last post, don't think I'm against a war to help another people like Vietnam might or might not have been, but if we go to war there has to be a clear objective. And there is only one way to fight a war, under the black flag, no quarter. If another nation takes up arms against us they need to know that if they fight they will die, if they run we will shoot them in the back, if they surrender we will execute them to the last man. That is the only way to fight a war, and the world would be a much more peaceful place if all men fought that way.

It Is A Madhouse Out There

It Is A Madhouse Out There
I have only one problem with this article, Chuch Baldwin says we should allow, " pilots, policeman, and any other citizen lawfully qualified" to carry guns on airplanes; every citizen of this country is "lawfully qualified" to bear arms anywhere anytime. Read the second ammendment. Americans have been deceived into thinking that the merceneries of the king have more of a right to bear arms then the common man, if anything they should have less of a right since their power comes from the will of the people, they answer to us. There is not a cop on this earth more qualified, morally or intellectually, to carry a gun than the majority of the citizens of this country. How many people have been murdered by this government in the last 200 years? Indians, Lincolns murderous war, Vietnam, when our government sent fifty thousand men to their deaths for political games, Ruby Ridge, Waco, fifty million unborn children murdered and counting. Sounds like a bunch of guys that ought to be trusted with guns.

The Drug War vs. the Bill of Rights

The Drug War vs. the Bill of Rights